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Another Christmas season coming, the annual “SPECIAL XMAS GIFTS” event will come back at rakumo.

Sparkling pine tree with lights and lovely gift boxes
Sparkling pine tree with lights and lovely gift boxes
Sparkling pine tree with lights and lovely gift boxes
Sparkling pine tree with lights and lovely gift boxes

Sparkling pine tree with lights and lovely gift boxes

Give it and get it back
Give it and get it back
Give it and get it back
Give it and get it back
Give it and get it back
Give it and get it back
Give it and get it back
Give it and get it back
Give it and get it back

Give it and get it back

Let's party
Let's party

Let’s party

Everyone has gifts already ≧ ◡ ≦

Everyone has gifts already ≧ ◡ ≦

The rakumo members have shared sweet and happy moments together. Merry Christmas!


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